Tuesday, April 14, 2015

You have to be VERY CLEAN when making cheese!

In the cheese house, before we sat down in this learning area, we had to take off our shoes and any clothing that had been exposed to farm animals.  We couldn't even let our socks touch the floor near where we'd walked in!  We got to put on super clean Crocs and took some time to learn about how cheese is made.

This poster shows all of the stages of cheese being made.  There are a lot of steps, and along the way every person and machine that is involved has to be very, very clean.  Otherwise, bad bacteria could get into the cheese and no one wants to eat cheese that will make you sick!

Before going into the room where the cheese is kept while it ages, we had to go through many steps to clean ourselves and put on attire that would protect the cheese and ourselves.  The cheese room was a bit stinky, but we got used to it after awhile.  All of the kids who visit this farm help clean the cheese, which in turn helps the farm make money so that it can keep taking care of the cows, making cheese, and having more city kids visit!


  1. Absolutely Amazing.....I can not wait to read your thoughts about your adventures in farming grade 5!!

  2. I cannot wait to hear you tell us about all your adventures. The cheese making sounds AWESOME and I love your cute little hats!! xo

  3. Great pictures! I <3 cheese! Tell me all about it when you get back. Sounds like everyone is having a great time.
    Mrs. Cahill

  4. AWESOME.! the farm looks beautiful. Great job Manning seniors.
    said cheese Izzy ,xoxx
