Friday, April 17, 2015

Video of Nevaeh feeding Veronica on Wednesday

On Tuesday, Isabella and Silvia worked with Kristina to take care of newborn calf Veronica on her first day alive on Springbrook Farm.  On Wednesday, Nevaeh and Kristina worked together to feed Veronica.  They learned that using a firmer bottle nipple helped Veronica drink more milk replacer.  It is important for farmers to make adjustments to help each calf get as much nutrition as early as possible so that they can get stronger and healthier during the first days alive.


  1. AWESOME Navaeh & Silvia!!!! What an experience. Love this.

  2. AWESOME Navaeh & Silvia!!!! What an experience. Love this.

  3. Nevaeh! How awesome is that ~ You feeding newborn, Veronica! So so sweet!
    Mrs. Cahill :-)
