Tuesday, April 14, 2015

How to Milk a Cow

Hi everyone, this is Mara!

Today we learned how to milk a cow.  First, you have to clean the cow's udder using iodine (it's like a super hand sanitizer).  Then, you have to wipe off the extra cleaning liquid.  Next, you test the cow's milk by squeezing and pulling the cow's teat to see the milk.  If there's an infection, the milk might look clumpy or the cow might move away if it's sensitive. Then, you get a bucket and put it under the cow's udder and you move to the cow's side so that the cow won't poop on you.  You make a circle between your thumb and fingers and squeeze and pull at the same time... and that's how you milk a cow!

Before it was my turn, I was excited and was wondering what it would feel like.  Milking a cow was really fun and the udder was very soft.  If you ever have a chance to milk a cow, you should try, now that you know how to do it.


  1. Wow! Did you guys get to taste the milk? Was it a little scary? You guys are having an amazing trip!

  2. What a great guide to milking a cow! Great job, Mara!

  3. That is so cool Mara! How did the milk taste?

  4. That is so cool Mara! How did the milk taste?

  5. What happens with the milk once you're done? Does it go right to the cheese house?

  6. I always wanted to try to milk a cow. So cool! I'm curious about how it tasted. I bet it was warm. Can't wait to hear. xo

  7. You guys must be packing up getting ready to leave. Bet it was such a memorable few days. Something you will never forget. Mrs. Jackson and Mr. Joyner are such AWESOME teachers to take you all on this adventure. Manning Seniors Rock!! See you very soon. Missed you very much. Have a safe trip home. xo

  8. What a great experience Mara, Can't wait to hear all about it, especially if you tasted the milk and if it tasted different
    Mrs. Cahill
