Monday, April 13, 2015

Photos from our first round of chores

Here are some photos from our first hours on the farm. For most posts this week, we'll try to have kids write posts, but here are few quick photos to ease the minds of our worried parents!

Brayden taking a moment to take everything in.

George is showing Nevaeh that touching this heifer is not such a scary thing.

The weather was especially beautiful today, which we enjoyed as we walked to do our chores.

Can you believe we learned how to milk a cow on our very first day?!

Ms. Jackson's group took care of the dairy cows today.

You won't believe how cute the calves are.... We will definitely be sharing more about these beauties soon!


  1. Looks fun!!! Have a great time 5th graders :)

  2. Amazing! Can't wait to read all about your adventures this week. Hope you are all sleeping tight and getting ready for your big day tomorrow!

  3. These pictures are AWESOME!!! You Manning Seniors are so lucky to have this experience. Wish I was there with you xo
