Tuesday, April 23, 2013

My First Time in the Cheese House

This is Victor and today I went to the Cheese House at Spring Brook Farm.  This is a picture of me holding the suit that we were going to wear while doing work with the cheese.  We had to wear this suit and other gear because we don't want to infect the cheese.  We had to clean the cheese and flip it over.  That was hard because the cheese was heavy (20 pounds) and we had to flip it over carefully.  Then we had to wipe all of the white spots off of the cheese wheel.  The part that we wipe wasn't the part that we eat, it's called the rind and it protects the cheese from getting infected.  So far at the farm, we have fed and milked cows.  I also fed a goat and I was happy that I did it.  I'm glad that I learned all of these things about the animals.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds so cool. I'm glad you are having a fun time. Can't wait to see you all. xo
