Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 4 on the Farm!

After seeing the farm's cheese being made yesterday, we learned how to make our own cheese.

First you heat raw milk and then you add an enzyme from a calf's stomach and it separates the milk into curds and whey.  The enzyme is also what adds flavor later on.  Then you cut the curds and press the mixture to separate them.  This is what David is doing in the picture. It doesn't really look like or taste like the cheese we eat yet, because it hasn't been aged.

 Walking the path to the barn.

We went to visit the horses by the Hagadorn's house.
They are the people who started this program for city kids 18 years ago! 

 Chris and Kaitlyn taking turns holding one of the ducks.

The cows eat so much hay we had to get some more from the hay loft above the milking cows.

 Raven in the hay loft.

Terrell and Cohen helping the hay we threw down get to the right place in the milking barn.

The hay landing in the milking barn -- the cows are already trying to eat it! -- Jardel

Heading back to our dorm on the path.

After working all week, we played a Jeopardy game to review all of the things we'd learned.

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