Tuesday, April 12, 2011

More Pictures from Day 2!

 Heifer cows eating the grain that they think tastes like candy.

 This is Clementine and Bruce.  Clementine is not happy that Bruce has been staying in her pen lately and will be glad when he is gone!  He has tusks and is a very messy eater.

 Jardel and Aunt Tootsie.

 The chickens!!!

Today we had to work as a team to get the calves to get out of their living area while we cleaned it. 

Raven taking a break on the fence.  (The heifer barn is in the background!)


  1. These are terrific pictures!! Keep them coming!
    You must be having so much fun but also learning a lot!!
    Way to go!!

    Miss Karloutos :)

  2. Wow! I am so excited you (the Manning Seniors) are in Vermont. You are learning what my daughter's life (Ms. Herzig)was all about when she was growing up including getting licked by cows.
    Keep the stories and pictures coming. I'm off to take care of my wild little dog who is as frisky as a goat.

  3. Thanks Miss Karloustsos and Ms. Herzig's mom!
